British Consulate in Ibiza, Spain

British Consulate in Ibiza, Spain

Avenida Isidoro Macabich 45
1º1ª (corner with Calle Canarias)
07800 Ibiza

City: Ibiza

Phone: 902 109 356 (in Spain)
(+34) 917 146 300 (if outside Spain)
Consular phone lines are open from 9:00am to 5:00pm.

Postal address:
Apartado de correos 307
07800 Ibiza

Fax: (34) 971 30 19 72

Email: or

Opening Hours: The consulate is open to visitors Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 8:30am to 1:30pm, excluding public holidays.


United Kingdom Visa Information


Country : United Kingdom
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